I'll miss it, not want it, but need it.
What Defines Me, Is not what defines you. What drives me is not what drives you. I love what you do not love. I am me and you are you. My life is a canvas and my story is its painting. I am inspired and I create so that I may inspire others. My everyday decisions make me who I am. Which is why I am different from you. Different. Not Superior. Your path is yours. That is the beauty in which we coexist. The paths we walk are unalike, but they cross and collide and twist and turn in beautiful, unpredictable patterns. Our perception of the highs and lows of our journey change over time. My knowledge of today will become my power tomorrow. Carved in the massive stone of life. My life is my art. My art is my life. Every detail I add along the way may help others as they paint their stories. Just as their stories have given birth to mine. I shall continue to create. I shall strive to create. I will never stop trying. The mistakes and failures I make along the way make up the masterpiece that I end up with. The cracks in my foundation are the rivers that feed my gardens. One day, you will realize this too. And when my vision is blurred, you will remind me how to see. You must never stop writing your story. Whatever your vehicle for communication it may be. For the sake of Life. For the sake of Future. For the sake of Art.
Theres three sides to every story. My side, your side and the truth.
You don't know what you got till you're missing it a lot
I had to go throw it away
I was wrong from the start from the bottom of my heart I apologize
What I did to you was hurtful
What I'm going through is hurtful
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